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Doctor Alex logo
  • Anti-wrinkle injections
  • Dermal fillers
SONÜ Aesthetics logo

Aesthetic clinic locations

Wilmslow/Alderley Edge, Cheshire

Dr Alex's Cheshire clinic is located between Wilmslow and Alderley Edge at:

SONÜ Medical Aesthetics
115 Knutsford Road
Cheshire SK9 6JP

There is free street parking in the immediate vicinity, and a space for customer parking at the back of the clinic just off Church Road.

Appointments may be available during the following hours:

Tuesday - Friday10:30 - 19:00
Saturday:10:30 - 15:00

Simply contact Doctor Alex to book your appointment now!

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Please note: we are no longer taking on new patients at the Manchester clinic, but we can accomodate you at our Wilmlsow clinic instead.

Dr Alex's Manchester clinic is located at:

First Floor Clinic
Sorrel Bank House
25 Bolton Rd
Manchester M6 7HL

Free on site parking is available.

When you arrive on site, there is a brown door to the left of the pharmacy, just up a small ramp. Due to COVID-19 restrictions we have taken the waiting room out of action, so please wait in your mode of transport and wait until you are contacted to enter.
Once you have entered, either take the stairs to the first floor, or for lift access take a right turn and take the lift to the 1st floor. Exit left and directly opposite is the door to the clinic.

Appointments may be available during the following hours:

Wednesday/Thursday09:30 - 18:00

Simply contact Doctor Alex to book your appointment now!

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