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  • Anti-wrinkle injections
  • Dermal fillers
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Jowl reduction

What is jowl reduction?

With ageing, the skin can sag, creating folds on either side of the chin which emphasise the jowl area (pre-jowl sulcus), resulting in a tired appearance in both men and women. Dermal filler to this area can help restore volume to reduce these folds, improving the contour of your jawline.
Doctor Alex performs this dermal filler treatment in both his Manchester City Centre and Sheffield clinics.

How does dermal filler (Juvederm) help?

Loss of normal facial fat tissue due to gravity and the ageing process can cause skin on the lower face to droop and sag, causing jowl folds to appear along your jawline. By using dermal filler to the pre-jowl sulcus, volume can be added to these loose skin folds, helping to tighten, lift, and restore a smoother, more defined jawline. This treatment can also be combined with Botox to the platysmal bands or Nefertiti lift to help reduce the pull of the muscles against the jowls.

When will I see the effects?

Rejuvenation results from dermal filler to the pre-jowl sulcus are seen instantly! There may be a slightly "fuller" appearance immediately after injection of the filler due to natural swelling, which resolves after a few days.

How long does the jowl filler treatment last for?

Filler in the jowl fold region can last 6 to 18 months. The dermal filler Doctor Alex uses (Juvederm) is a non-permanent treatment, and can also be reversed/dissolved if needed.

Is it painful?

No. You may feel a pinprick sensation as the skin near your chin and jawline is injected. Doctor Alex can apply special numbing cream beforehand if you are worried about this. An advanced micro-cannula technique can also be used to help minimise any discomfort.

How long is recovery time?

More or less immediate recovery — it can be performed in your lunch break! As a needle is used to inject dermal filler into the jowls, there is a chance you may get a small amount of bleeding/bruising, which usually resolves after a few days. Doctor Alex can also use special micro-cannulas to inject the filler, which can also reduce the risk of bruising.

Where are your cosmetic clinics?

Doctor Alex has anti-ageing non-surgical cosmetic clinics in both Manchester City Centre and Sheffield. Visit the Locations page for more details.

How much does jowl reduction filler cost?

Prices start from £0 (special offer, reduced from £300). Every treatment and jowl reduction filler is tailored towards your unique face, therefore exact pricing will be discussed at the consultation after a full assessment. Please see the price list for full list of treatments.
