Silhouette Soft threads are safe, medical-grade, dissolvable threads that can be used to perform a non-surgical facelift, neck lift, jowl lift, eyebrow lift, and tightening of the jawline in both men and women. It is sometimes referred to as the "One-Stitch Face-Lift".
There are two main modes of action performed by Silhouette Soft threads:
Doctor Alex performs Silhouette Soft face-lift threading treatments in both his Manchester City Centre and Sheffield clinics.
Silhouette Soft threads are placed under the skin by a needle, and use tiny cone-like structures to help pull sagging areas of skin back into place, giving an instant lift and tightening.
The threads then continue to help improve your skin by stimulating collagen, leading to even better tightening and volumisation over time!
Silhouette Soft threads differ from the PDO threads you might have heard of before, in that they not only provide you with an instant face/neck lift, but they also stimulate the production of quality collagen, which helps to restore youthful volume to the areas threaded. This means the results actually continue to improve in the weeks and months after initial thread treatment!
They also have a better safety profile, with their innovative use of bi-directional cone technology to lift the skin, rather than sharp barbs found on PDO threads that can cause irritation and weaken the thread, leading to the thread breaking.
Additionally, unlike PDO threads, Silhouette Soft threads are exclusively only available to doctors and dentists, providing you with a high level of regulation, safety and quality.
The initial lift achieved using Silhouette Soft threads is immediate. To further enhance the result, gradual stimulation of collagen helps to improve the volume and tone of the skin over a period of weeks and months.
You may have a slightly "fuller" appearance shortly afterwards due to natural swelling, which usually resolves over the following week.
The effects from the thread lift can last up to 18 months. The Silhouette Soft threads are a non-permanent treatment, and dissolve naturally over time.
The Silhouette Soft thread facelift is a minimally invasive procedure, and is performed using local anaesthetic to help reduce any pain. This helps to numb the areas where the needle in inserted, although you may feel a pinprick sensation and some stinging for a few seconds as the skin is injected. The rest of the procedure is generally not particularly painful.
After the treatment, there can be some swelling and discomfort for a week or two whilst everything settles.
This is generally not a "lunchtime procedure", and you require some careful aftercare for two weeks following the procedure.
You may experience bruising and swelling for 5 — 10 days following the thread lift.
There can be some skin puckering/dimpling for a few days afterwards, which then resolves.
You need to be able to sleep face up, elevated on pillows for 3-5 nights.
Certain activities, such as sports, swimming, saunas, need to be avoided for up to 3 weeks.
Doctor Alex has anti-ageing non-surgical cosmetic clinics in both Manchester City Centre and Sheffield. Visit the Locations page for more details.
Prices start from £300 (special offer, reduced from £350) per Silhouette Soft thread.
A package deal of 10 threads is also available, costing £2000 instead of £3500.
Every non-surgical threading treatment is tailored towards your unique face, neck, and jawline, therefore exact pricing will be discussed at the consultation after a full assessment. Please see the price list for full list of treatments.